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Reviving lost hopes & rebuilding broken lives.

HopeMirror Foundation is an NGO initiated by Ramzan Shaikh, a civil engineer from AIKTC, Mumbai University.

Since childhood, Ramzan has seen difficulties in livelihood around him. He always dreamt about bringing a change in the society to eliminate hunger, improve lifestyle, educate everyone and helping the needy in general. He knew that he alone wouldn’t be able to change the entire world but at the same time he knew that he can at least bring changes into the lives of many people nearby.

Ramzan Shaikh along with his team HopeMirror Foundation executes various drives powered by the donations (monetary or in-kind) by the generous. The team has executed various number of drives and have successfully helped the underprivileged across Navi Mumbai and Mumbai.

With one step at a time, we aim to help the entire country without being biased in terms of religion, politics, gender or caste. For us, every human being is the same.

Who We Are?

We are a group of enthusiastic people focused towards the betterment of the poor. Our goals being empowerment of the country by changing the needy's lives, we hope for a change in the society.

What We Do?

Our current focus lies on the poor and needy. Our empowerment areas currently include health and famine. Our future areas would include education and development of the society.

How We Work?

Our team plan and execute drives to distribute basic essentials and necessities to the needy. We are powered by donations given to us by you.


HopeMirror Foudation believes every family deserves a future. In Navi Mumbai and around the city, we give families a healthy start in life

Please Raise Your Hand

For those helpless people who need it every minute.

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